Sunday, August 28, 2011

Classical Conversations

I've mentioned we started Classical Conversations this year.  After our first week of it, I am so glad we chose this for Bear and J-jo (J-jo isn't in the program yet, but attends a toddler program in the same church with the rest of the toddler siblings the morning of Classical Conversations).  I could try to explain it all, but I just found this post that does it so well for those that may be interested in learning more about it. 


  1. That's awesome! I just started discussions with our Classical Conversations group to learn more. It looks like a great fit for us. I look forward to seeing what's happening in your group too!

  2. I just bought an old edition of Classical Conversations after attending a homeschool conference and meeting the author. I found it cheap through Ebay and was considering a nearby class but not sure yet. How old is Bear now? I am still thinking about it for the fall but I look forward to reading ALL of your posts about the curriculum during my free time. What I have seen so far looks awesome. Are you a Foundations tutor?
