Monday, May 30, 2011

Writing Folder

Right before Bear finished her Montessori preschool for the summer, she was bringing home stories she had written during her work time.  When we would get home, she would go straight to her table and start writing more stories!  I remembered her teacher telling me that each child, once ready, got a writing folder in which to keep their stories and then got to take the folder home at the end of the year. For some reason, Bear never got a folder. However, I had just received a folder in the mail from Timberdoodle and thought it would make the perfect writing folder.  Bear helped me glue white paper on the front and back of the folder.  The paper wasn't quite big enough so we added a pink strip as a binding.  Then I gave her all the fancy scrapbooking stickers my mom keeps giving her that I was saving for a special project.  Bear was delighted to decorate her folder.  She decorated both sides, in fact.
I printed out story paper and slid them into the right side of the folder.  Her finished stories go on the left.
The story below was written at school.  After she showed it to me and I exclaimed over it in astonishment that she could write that much at once, I gave her a mini lesson on spacing.  I actually couldn't read most of that story because I couldn't make out where her words started and ended.  Unfortunately, she couldn't either so she couldn't totally retell her own story!
She got busy right away and wrote a second story with much better spacing.  She had also made a sight word booklet at school and we use the back of that now for a list of words she uses frequently.  I write the correct spelling for her and if she needs help spelling "the" or "icecream", she can find it there.
You can see her spacing is much better.  The story reads:
Mom took a wok all by her sulf. She met a vere bad wolf so she dsided to run.

The Writing Folder sits on the writing shelf for easy access and she has written every day during her quiet time this week.  I hope her love of writing continues all through school.


  1. That is so amazing! I really hope that Bunny will start writing soon too! A folder is a great idea!

  2. I agree - this is quite amazing. I wonder if the folder would motivate Anna to write more. She has access to plenty of stationery but no motivation whatsoever.

  3. I love the Mommy/wolf story! ;)

  4. That's on my rather long list of things to do.......

  5. Wanted you to know that we featured this fantastic writing folder at our blog, Kindergarten Lesson Plans! We were sure to give idea and photo credit, as well as a link to your blog, but we'd love for you to check it out and, if there are any problems, we'll be sure to take it down immediately!

    Thanks so much!
    Kayla Johnson

  6. She is really excelling in writing. You must be so proud of her. I don't know of many children her age who are writing so well. So cute to see her child-like letters.

  7. Oh, you know how much we love journal writing with young children over at!

    It is such a joy to see bear writing and even more important just being given the opportunity to express herself. Children have so much to say and share when given the freedom.

    My heart is smiling looking at her writing! :)
