Monday, April 18, 2011

Montesori Tot School

 I introduced J-jo to tongs this week. I went back through all my 18 to 22 month archives to see what activities I had done with Bear at those ages and found a bunch of things I still hadn't done with J-jo.  Tongs was one of them.

Tonging Easter eggs.
 Spooning smaller eggs.
 Easter related activities on his shelf. Clothespin bunnies on a cardboard cutout of a carrot (re-purposed a cereal box for that), sorting colored eggs (have switched the eggs to little Easter themed erasers since this photo was taken), rabbit nesting egg, and carrot container (Dollar Tree) with ten buttons for counting.
Helping Mommy bake muffins.
I presented the pink tower to him.  I was impressed with how well he was able to stack the cubes, even though he was nowhere near the correct order.
 Outside time.
 "Helping" his sister play Reading Eggs while I cook supper.

Linked to 1+1+1=1 and One Hook Wonder.


  1. I love all of J-jo's works! He is wearing a gorgeous smile while spooning!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. It looks like he's having a wonderful time with his work. I love the concentration in that first shot. :)

  3. I love the photos- especially the one of him and bear outside.

    I haven`t introduced tongs to my little one yet but maybe in a couple of months- He has still not gotten the hang of spooning so probably after that!

  4. what great Easter activities!

  5. JR did some dusting this week too. Isn't it nice that they love to help? I wonder how long it will last for... J-jo is such a cutie. I love his facial expressions of concentration. :)

  6. I still can't believe that he's big enough to do activities like this! Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday. :)

  7. Lovely Easter activities ... and awesome photos! I featured your post and spooning eggs photo in my Montessori-Inspired Easter Activities at
