Monday, March 28, 2011

Housekeeping - a confession

I have a confession: I don't like being tied down to the Artists and Art weekly meme.  First of all, some weeks, we just want to dabble again in an artist we have already visited.  Other weeks, we just want to draw or paint other stuff.  I find myself trying to come up with a new weekly artist project without leaving ourselves time to digest the artist from the week before.  I will still post Artists and Art, you just won't see it on a weekly basis, and it will no longer be a meme.  Not many were linking up anyway.  I am too stressed these days about things I shouldn't be stressed about and I just want to take a step back from any commitment that isn't a necessary one.  I am sure many of you can understand this.  However, if you do have a post, no matter how old, that fits in with the Artists and Art, please feel free to leave a link to it in the comments when I do post an Artists and Art post.  That said, there will not be an Artists and Art post tomorrow.


  1. Dang, I just wrote my very first post for your meme :) But I totally understand. I hope your stress will go away soon!

  2. Weekly memes are really hard to do with really young children. I have found that my weeks with little ones vary too much, and meme commitments make a strain on that. I congratulate you for seeing your limits and acknowleding them!

  3. I can Totally relate:) My problem is if I start something like this - It takes the fun away and then I start to feel like it is a job:) Go have fun!

  4. I totally understand. I find that maintaining one meme a week keeps me busy enough with so many other things to do. Ever since Lent, I've been able to walk away from blogging daily and I got so much more done around the house. Hope you get the break you needed!

  5. I think you did a wonderful job with all of your Artists and Art posts. I think blogs are supposed to be enjoyable and not stressful! I know everyone is so greatful for all of the amazing projects you have shared!

  6. Wise decision to know what you can and can't keep up with.

    That's a hard thing to realize.

  7. I admire you for being able to step back and regain your balance. It's difficult wearing so many hats. It's something I struggle with often. I love your art and artists series, but I will equally love them when they are spontaneously scattered here and there. :)

  8. Thank you for all your kind and understanding comments!

  9. Totally agree with everyone above. When it starts to become more of a "hinderance" to other things, then re-prioritize. Maybe others would be willing to host it weekly or even monthly? I know a lot of math memes do that.
