Sunday, February 13, 2011

On Our Tot Shelves

Toothpicks into a parmesan container.


Please supervise closely if you do this with your tot.

The same colorful toothpicks in a styrofoam block (to keep him busy while Mommy ran out and Daddy did dishes)..

Guidecraft Feel and Find (but he just pulls out and matches).

Left: Roll and Match game (roll the dice and find a star of the same color).

Right: Beads (he had just finished stringing them when I took the picture.  I still have to help by holding the string.)

Top left to right: pegs on edge of container (hardly ever chooses this), matching animals to photos, matching cars to colors (I ended up replacing this with the toothpick in parmesan container activity)

Bottom: peg counting toy and button matching. 

Connect Four

Sensory Play: feathers!

Letter Sound Sorting – he actually did this alone.  Might have been a fluke.  He hasn’t wanted to do it since.  I sing a song for each letter sound as I show him the sandpaper letter. 

It’s partly borrowed from Leapfrog Letter Factory but I have changed the words to make it Montessori friendly (no letter names). 

“This is /a/.  This is /a/.  Every letter has a sound.  This is /a/.”

Tiny beads because he has to do whatever Bear is doing of course!
This was much too hard, but bear held him by holding the string and he got a couple on with lots of concentration.

linked to 1+1+1=1.


  1. Love the toothpick activity and the feathers! Great ideas!

  2. These are some really wonderful works!
    We have the toothpick work out now too, only ours is in a salt shaker.

    Love your blog!


  3. Wonderful works!

    The Guidecraft feel and find is on our wish list.


  4. I love the feel and find...hmmm... on my wish list :)

  5. I like the base of your connect four. We actually don't own one but thinking it would be a fun game for the older and practical work for the youngers.

  6. We did the toothpicks this week too. L loved it. Thanks for the wonderful ideas as always!

  7. I love all your toddler activities!! He looks soooo focus and concentrated!! Love the feel and find!! Thanks for share your ideas and your beautiful work!!
