Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Field Trip! Fire Station

Our mom's group organized this and it was very interesting.  J-jo really enjoyed it (Bear was at school).  I highly recommend calling the fire department near you to arrange to go see inside a fire station.  We'll be going back soon so Bear can enjoy the tour too.

We read Going to the Firehouse by Mercer Meyer (one of Bear's independent reads) before going.

If anyone has good fire truck (or firefighter) printables or ideas, please let me know.  J-jo is smitten.


  1. I recall Homeschool Creations doing a unit on Firefighters some time ago. You can probably find it in her printables. Going on a real firetruck is a lot of fun!

  2. How neat! I having arranging a tour of our local fire station on my to-try list!

  3. There's a preschool pack at 1+1+1=1 that is titled Fireman. I haven't downloaded it, but it would be worth checking out. Here's the link to all of their preschool packs.

    I'll definitely be scheduling a visit to the firestation. We're going over fire safety soon!

  4. How timely - our neighborhood playgroup is arranging a tour today too {which we can't go to unfortunately} - but we've already been on our own several times to different stations. One thing I've learned is if you just drop by, they are happy to have little ones take a tour. No advance scheduling required. Thanks for the printable suggestions everyone. AoF

  5. Patricia Hubbell has a wonderful series of books about all kinds of things that go - including Firefighters: Speeding! Spraying! Saving!
