Thursday, February 10, 2011

Care of Plants for a Preschooler

 After reading this post at Mommy Moment (written by Jessie of Education of Ours), I immediately scoured the house to create our version of a Care of Plant work.
Since I put this on the shelf on Monday and presented it, Bear has dusted the Peace Lily each day.  My plants have never seen such love and tender care.
Thank you, Jessie:)


  1. What a great idea! I'll have to get my little guy on that job!

  2. You are really taking off with Montessori! Looks like she is enjoying it.

  3. I love this idea - it's a great first responsibility! We really need to refresh our plants in the house and then give Anna tools to care for them.

  4. oo how neat! I am off to go read the other post!

  5. Your work is so pretty! I bet they love it. Thanks for the bloggy love. I can't believe how much fun this parenting thing is :)

  6. What a superb idea! I also like how you arranged your basket! Kerri
