Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rock Books

We started off geology by reading different books about rocks.

If You Find a Rock, which Bear asked for frequently.  We liked how they described various rocks by texture, size, appearance, uses.... It was neat and we could relate from our rock collecting days in Costa Rica.

I have a favorite from my childhood called Everybody Needs a Rock, but I couldn't find it at our library.

Next we looked at Let's Go Rock Collecting by Anne Rockwell.  It has been our favorite, with just the right amount of information for Bear's level and attention.
We did read a couple other ones but found them just a little too detailed for this year.
I'm considering buying Rocks, Rocks, Rocks by Elizabeth Wallace since we have loved every single one of her books, but of course, the library doesn't have this particular title.


  1. Anabel loved "If you find a rock" when we checked it out a couple months ago. Since then, when she finds a white rock she will say, "if you find a chalk rock" its so cute.

  2. Your posts make me want to make a rock unit, especially after our hike today when Anna asked a lot of questions about rock and our friend showed her "California State rock". I never even knew there are state rocks... and so many books about rocks :)

  3. Those look like perfect rock books.

    Oddly enough I had everybody needs a rock, but ended up giving it away.

  4. I can't tell you how happy I am to see this series of posts from you about rocks. I've saved them in my google reader to pore over when I have time. And I just starred this one. My son has a rock collection and he loves playing with it. It sounds ridiculous, but him matching up the rocks to the little labels on the boxes (calcite, rose quartz, etc.) was one of the first ways I realized he could read. Thanks so much for posting such great ideas.
