Saturday, January 15, 2011

Out of Bear's Mouth

Bear: I'm thankful that God made stores.

Me: Stores?

Bear: Yes, so we don't have to kill animals.

Me: Ummm...animals still get killed, though.  Farmers do that.

Bear: Then I'm thankful God didn't make us farmers!


  1. That's funny. I'm reading the bible through in 90 days and recently finished Leviticus. I'm thinking she probably won't like that book, when she's old enough to read through it.

  2. That's a hoot. My little one (2) just found out that chicken is CHICKEN. Ugh.

  3. This made me giggle. Farmers are probably thankful God didn't make them urban dwellers.

  4. That's funny. At least she knows where her food comes from. I still don't think it has hit home for JR.
