Sunday, December 12, 2010

Making a Santa Lucia peg doll

Inspired by this photo, I wanted to make a Santa Lucia doll for Bear.  Except that the one in the photo was a tad complicated for me, so I went a whole lot simpler.  
Here's how mine turned out. 
 I think I need to figure out how to paint her hair longer or something because she looks like a boy to me.

   Nicole at One Hook Wonder also made a beautiful Santa Lucia and some very cute star boys.  Next year, I'll have to attempt a star boy for J-jo.  

I will post what we do for our celebration tomorrow after I take photos of Bear dressed up as Santa Lucia.


  1. So cute! I love the sweet expression on her face, and I don't think she looks like a boy at all. Thanks for linking to me. :)
