Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Spindle Box

In Montessori, a spindle box is used to teach counting.  I made a spindle box for Bear using an old cereal box and popsicle sticks, but she wasn't too interested.  However, she was interested in feeding her foam number puzzle pospicles. 

It really is the same principle as the spindle box and I followed the "script" when presenting it.  She enjoyed it and did it a few times before running away.

 She was sad about zero not getting any popsicles though.


  1. Oh, that is so sweet that she was sad about 0. :) She has a sweet heart!

  2. So sweet that she wanted zero to get popsicle sticks =)

  3. It's funny what children take to. Anna was never the one to transfer or to count out number of items unless we play store. Otherwise she looks me in the eye and asks "why?"

  4. Thanks for the great idea and spindle box link. I find Montessori Ed. very interesting. Are you formally trained or did you teach yourself? Any books you would recommend?

  5. Oh well done! Did you use Gettman's book for the "script"? I bought the spindles, but am going to wait until I introduce the number rods first.
